Another MAGA Cultist vs. Doc Alina Intellectual “Boxing Match”

Here comes the intellectual knockout for the “iota of common sense” 🙂

I do not even have to infer that there will be “Silence of the Lambs” after my intellectual knockout without Hannibal Lecter, of course, since this complicated friendship is reserved for the convicted felon Donald Trump 🙂

MAGA Larry and Vision

Regardless of the physical appearance of the woman selected by Ms. Sharon Weber, please note MAGA Larry’s reference to the woman as “it”.

Dedicated to MAGA Larry courtesy of Marcin Styczen “Madonna od popaprancow”

Larry Warot I have asked you to look in the mirror, not at the mirror. As to your “have you looked at yourself lately”, please remember you have asked for it. Your public picture is from February 2013 while mine is recent. The moral is: “If you want to know a person’s previous thoughts, look at them now. If you want to know how they will look in the future, listen to them. Singular “they” is accepted by APA7.

3/26/2024 Time to block MAGA cultist Larry Warot on messenger 🙂