Another MAGA Cultist vs. Doc Alina Intellectual “Boxing Match”

Here comes the intellectual knockout for the “iota of common sense” 🙂

I do not even have to infer that there will be “Silence of the Lambs” after my intellectual knockout without Hannibal Lecter, of course, since this complicated friendship is reserved for the convicted felon Donald Trump 🙂

Assuming False Identity for Low-Intended Means: A Martha-Ann (nee Bomgardner) Alito’s Story

What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 – 1882), an American essayist, lecturer, philosopher, poet, and leader of Transcendentalism, individualism, and critical thinking.

Born to an Oklahoma native, Bobby Bomgardner, and born in Kentucky, how is Martha-Ann Alito a German, and why would she select a nation with such a violent history of atrocities against humanity inclusive of degeneration to make products from assassinated human remains to make a public statement against fellow Americans who do not share her views?

After listening to the MeidasTouch’s segment on SCOTUS and posting the above comment, I was invited to share my opinion. So, here it comes.

Although I find it morally inconceivable to falsely assume the identity of another nation for low-intended means, I am cognizant of the impact of narcissism, cultism, and idolatry on susceptible individuals who are unable to sustain their moral character due to surrendering their self-awareness and emotional sovereignty to assume a cult’s identity to pursue its ideology as indoctrinated and controlled. In my sustainable value model (Wreczycki, 2021), these 2 pillars are the first with emotional maturity/balance between them. Without them, individuals cannot contemplate and introspect on their self-concept (Knowles et al., 2015), which is the ability to assess the social implications of our emotions and feelings, thoughts about them, words spoken and/or written, and actions or no actions. Without self-concept, there is no ascension of free will to be in our highest self for the frontal cortex to rationalize and for the neocortex to validate the artefacts of rationalization against the moral character values. Hence, subjugated individuals are not able to create sustainable value unless they are led by a person who is capable of freeing them from the oppression. In my view, there is nothing more tragic than the lack of awareness of subjugation due to the lack of ability to rationalize, validate, and feel the oppression in the body via the mind-heart axis.

While Kentucky-born Martha-Ann (nee Bomgardner) Alito’s reprehensible conduct could bugle many a mind, I know that victims of narcissistic abuse – and all MAGA cultists are in this group yet oblivious to the self-inflicted oppression with all its consequences – suffer from a unique form of emotional trauma, which directly affects their ability to leave the cult and recover.

I was born in communist Poland to a Trenton, NJ-born grandfather Bronislaw Bruno Porada and a Polish-born US citizen mom Stanislawa (nee Porada) Piwonska. During my formation years when grandpa was still seeking ways to return to his country of birth – please note that the Soviets, just like the Nazis preferred to keep their “enemies” close – I was taught to love the US without the ability to learn the US history and no access to publications as my future freedom destination. I was not only taught moral values of courage, social justice, authenticity, transparency, and perseverance – just to name a few – but how to speak freely only at home, so I would not compromise our family’s dream of leaving the Soviet oppression. Grandpa was 4 when he was brought to Austria-Hungary occupied Galicia part of partitioned for 146 years Poland to spend more time with his lung disease afflicted father, a Pennsylvania mine worker. Grandpa survived the purposeful burning of the entire settlement during WWI, became a firefighter to protect the community, a sociopolitical leader to serve as a voice of the community to appeal to the local aristocrat for peasants and no-land owners’ rights, created farm jobs for those in need especially during early Spring when food insecurity was a critical survival issue, conducted business with the Jewish community but would not sell alcohol, and maintained a home library for those open to learn to read and write. During WWII while married with 3 children and forced to house a Nazi officer at home, grandpa served as a local underground movement commander subverting the Nazi operations with his brave men while mom (ages 10-16) carried messages between the underground troops, and with the aid of grandma Marcjanna provided the Jewish people with temporary shelter, clothing, food, and papers (prepared by the underground) to transit them to safety. Grandpa would often use his firefighter uniform, which the Nazis respected, to go to the local train station pretending to check the safety of the trains while freeing the Polish young men from being sent to the Eastern front to dig trenches. After the “liberation” by the Soviets, grandpa was imprisoned for 4 years at 3 different locations farther away from home, was tortured by – for example – being forced to run naked in January while drunk Soviet operatives were pouring cold water on his body and then threw him into a small confinement. Grandpa’s spirit, just like mine, would not be broken. He continued to refuse to surrender his US citizenship as the perceived enemy of the Soviet state. After being imprisoned between 1945 – 1949, grandpa was released and walked from Potulice prison in North-West Poland to the Amercan Embassy in Warsaw to transfer his US citizenship onto his 3-children. It took grandpa till 1972 to be released from Poland to his country of birth. Mom and her older brother followed in 1975. Dad and my 3 siblings immigrated in 1984, and I did in 1985. I will never forget the fear attempting to encroach on my courage while claiming an immigrant rather than a tourist declaration while the LOT Polish plane was already approaching JFK. I will never forget the smile on a male US customs officer’s face politely attempting to explain to me that I was in the wrong lane and needed to go to JFK’s Immigration and Naturalization Office. I will never forget the beautiful white teeth of the smiling African American lady who offered me some milk as a refreshment. Even though I did not understand English, I did my best to read the body language of the INS personnel as well others in a similar situation to mine and helped other immigrants with their initial acclimation. I learned English in 8-months by myself. I then purchased US history and federal government structure books and studied for my US citizenship exam to sit for it on the 5th anniversary of my arrival. I was asked to recite word for word the 1st Amendment to the US Constitution. I did so seeing the book page displayed from my photographic memory above the head of the INS official. I was sworn in as a US citizen in early January 1991. I could not explain to you linguistically what being an American means to me because you are not me, so you can’t feel my emotions. But I hope that my story moves you to the last stem cell in your bone marrow to defend our constitutional republic and our participatory democracy from foreign and domestic threats, which we are in the middle of, just like Dr. Benjamin Franklin stated to Mrs. Powel after the Philadelphia Convention: “A republic, if you can keep it.”

While I will never excuse Matha-Ann Alito’s conduct falsely assuming the German identity for the purpose of targeting fellow Americans who do not share her views, there is a part of me that will mourn her opportunity to live as a decent human being.

With moral love to all as doing what is right/just at the appropriate time for sustainable value adding reasons.

Two Reactions

During this critical moment
In our nation’s 248-year history
There are two different reactions
While some perform rituals, pray, and cry
Others celebrate like Ewoks
Remembering the sounds of courage
In Lexington and Concord
Resonating all the way to Yorktown
Establishing our great nation
As a constitutional republic
And we can keep it, Dr. Franklin
Our democratic experiment
With moral weight to carry
Across generations forever
While history remembers the 45th

© Alina Wreczycki, PhD, 5/30/2024

Courtesy of Two Steps from Hell performing “Victory” in Prague.

Two Steps to Victory

As the self-inflicted noose
Closes on his neck
While lost in the meanders
Of his lucid and not lucid mind
The reprehensible malignant narcissist
Attempts to bite like an animal
Totally oblivious of
Accelerating his self-inflicted
Frontotemporal dementia

The American non-MAGA citizens will not only ensure that our current Ft. McHenry like assault by the reprehensible death cult of MAGA ends with the sentencing and incarceration of the malignant narcissist but the dissolution of the cult and creation of a domino effect for other oppressed nations to follow. This is a historic moment beyond epic proportions when the Death Star collapses and all Ewoks dance.

Courtesy of Two Steps from Hell “Victory” from the album “Heart of Courage”

Cisarino Martins and “New York”

Cisarino Martins of “New York” located at Riverview Avenue in Pawtucket, Rhode Island, USA, may be convinced that his body mass trumps intelligence, logic, and reading with comprehension to contribute to the society as a law-abiding citizen by honoring federal, state, and municipal laws and therefore be able to instill constructive traits/values in minors to do the same. For as long as I live in “New York”, there will be no breaching of federal, state, and municipal laws, and Cisarino Martins’ education and resocialization will continue to come through the Pawtucket Police Department (PPD). There is, of course, an option for Cisarino Martins to change this by pointing his left arm at his frontal cortex to remember to use it at all times.