Two Reactions

During this critical moment
In our nation’s 248-year history
There are two different reactions
While some perform rituals, pray, and cry
Others celebrate like Ewoks
Remembering the sounds of courage
In Lexington and Concord
Resonating all the way to Yorktown
Establishing our great nation
As a constitutional republic
And we can keep it, Dr. Franklin
Our democratic experiment
With moral weight to carry
Across generations forever
While history remembers the 45th

© Alina Wreczycki, PhD, 5/30/2024

Courtesy of Two Steps from Hell performing “Victory” in Prague.

A Philosophical Question

The below photograph is courtesy of Alejandro Quiroz

What is life like
From the deer’s point of view
Perhaps we could stop and learn
A thing or two
Perhaps we could be unafraid
To look life into the eyes
Like the brave deer
Standing still, so divine

© Alina Wreczycki, PhD

Two Steps to Victory

As the self-inflicted noose
Closes on his neck
While lost in the meanders
Of his lucid and not lucid mind
The reprehensible malignant narcissist
Attempts to bite like an animal
Totally oblivious of
Accelerating his self-inflicted
Frontotemporal dementia

The American non-MAGA citizens will not only ensure that our current Ft. McHenry like assault by the reprehensible death cult of MAGA ends with the sentencing and incarceration of the malignant narcissist but the dissolution of the cult and creation of a domino effect for other oppressed nations to follow. This is a historic moment beyond epic proportions when the Death Star collapses and all Ewoks dance.

Courtesy of Two Steps from Hell “Victory” from the album “Heart of Courage”

Go Karen

Go Karen
For all women
Accompanied by Lady Justice
Whose sword is swift

“Catch and Kill: Lies, Spies, and Conspiracy Theories to Protect Predators” is a book by Satchel Ronan O’Sullivan Farrow, PhD, JD (Mia Farrow’s son) depicting the reprehensible behavior of wealthy males toward women and those attempting to expose them.

Courtesy of Two Steps from Hell “Invincible” from the album “Heart of Courage”

May This Poem Be / Niech ten poemat będzie

May this poem be a song of hope
May this poem be a dance of light
For those lost and afraid of darkness
To be found by those who are fearless
To carry o torch to find those in need
To bring them back on the path of self-knowledge
And remembrance of who we are and why we are here

Niech ten poemat będzie pieśnią nadziei
Niech ten poemat będzie tańcem światła
Dla zagubionych i bojących się ciemności
Aby być odnalezionym przez tych, którzy nie boją się
Nosić pochodnię i szukać potrzebujących
By sprowadzić ich z powrotem na ścieżkę samopoznania
I pamięć o tym, kim jesteśmy i dlaczego tu jesteśmy

© Alina Wreczycki, PhD

Courtesy of Nathan Pacheco “Go Through the Storm”

Malignant Narcissism and Frontotemporal Dementia – the Story of Donald Trump

Numerous studies confirm a correlation between narcissistic personality disorder that goes hand-in-hand with anti-social personality disorder and the onset and accelerated development of frontotemporal dementia (Poletti and Bonuccelli, 2011; Serrani, 2015; Bastida et al., 2019).

Malignant narcissists are characterized by behavioral outcomes such as:

  1. Anger
  2. Cunningness to the point of master manipulation
  3. Deceitfulness
  4. Disregard for laws, norms, and rules
  5. Existing in the self-confabulated reality due to exaggerated self-importance, superiority complex, and the belief of deserving a special treatment in all situations
  6. Exploiting of others
  7. Feeling hate and contempt toward their fragmented and fragile selves and therefore projecting hate and contempt onto others
  8. Humiliating others
  9. Jealousy
  10. Lack of remorse
  11. Lashing out due to fragile ego and no moral boundaries
  12. Obsession with own image
  13. Quintessence of evil
  14. Pettiness
  15. Sadism
  16. Vengefulness
Courtesy of the Lincoln Project “Trump Diapers”