Cisarino Martins and “New York”

Cisarino Martins of “New York” located at Riverview Avenue in Pawtucket, Rhode Island, USA, may be convinced that his body mass trumps intelligence, logic, and reading with comprehension to contribute to the society as a law-abiding citizen by honoring federal, state, and municipal laws and therefore be able to instill constructive traits/values in minors to do the same. For as long as I live in “New York”, there will be no breaching of federal, state, and municipal laws, and Cisarino Martins’ education and resocialization will continue to come through the Pawtucket Police Department (PPD). There is, of course, an option for Cisarino Martins to change this by pointing his left arm at his frontal cortex to remember to use it at all times.

A Recipe for a Disaster – A Lauren Boebert (MAGA – CO) Story

A voluntary enslavement to a destructive ideology due to lack of self-awareness and emotional maturity

+ an obsession with guns and supporting NRA for own profits

+ a destructive companion

+ the false perception of being above the law (e.g. being noisy, taking selfies, vaping next to a pregnant woman, groping a male companion, and being groped by the male companion in a Colorado theater resulting in both of them being removed by security threatening them with: “Do you know who I am?narcissistic proclamation

+ not listening to voices of reason

= a life-threatening emergency to remove a blood clot at the onset of self-inflicted early perimenopause on “steroids” at the age of 37 due to self-imposed adrenaline and cortisol driven destructive lifestyle in the pursuit of power and money and a pipe dream to turn the United States of America into a Christian nationalists’ terror state in the name of misinterpreted Christian values

Courtesy of Chopin “Funeral March”

MAGA, the Illegals, and John 14:27

The quantitative data are out. MAGA’s obsession with illegals while MAGA Republicans are blocking the immigration bills in Congress to smear the Biden Administration for not taking adequate actions on immigration attracted 70K likes, 7.2K comments, and 44K shares. John 14:27 verse on peace paled in comparison attracting only 3.5K likes, 965 “Amen” comments, and 891 shares.

MAGA / Christian Nationalists vs. the Beatitudes

Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.” – Matthew 7:15

ForAmerica is a Christian Nationalists’ Facebook page misusing the tenets of the Christian tradition for their low intended ends.

Self-Empowerment / Samousamodzielnienie

The perception of being separated from our highest instincts/self-empowerment is the only lack that we need to commit to correcting on an on-going basis. / Poczucie oddzielenia od naszych najwyższych instynktów/usamodzielnienia to jedyny brak, który musimy zobowiązać się do ciągłego korygowania.

© Alina Wreczycki, PhD in Organizational Leadership and Human Resources Development

Trump’s Proposed Law Presented in Green Bay, Wisconsin

If your Constitutional rights have been violated, we will defend you. If you have illegal aliens invading your home, we will deport you.” – Donald Trump

Three years ago [2001 – the Biden Administration] we were a great nation, and we will be a great nation again. ” -Donald Trump

Yes, and we will continue to be by keeping you as far away from the White House as we can.