ForAmerica the Tube of the American Christian Nationalism and the Test of the Christian Faith

Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits.” – Matthew 7:15-16 (KJB) 

Apparently, “Ask and you shall receive.” (Matthew 7:7) did not work for the one who disappeared, but Allan Sandusky shared his Easter greetings.

X Kefas Petrus and the Test of the Catholic Faith / X Kefas Petrus i test wiary katolickiej

X Kefas Petrus: “Because the lectionary was edited by liturgists – unfortunately without consulting biblical scholars, as I learned firsthand.”

Dr. Alina: Just like the message of Jesus of Nazareth was corrected by realists.

X Kefas Petrus: ?

X Kefas Petrus: The worst thing is when someone who has no idea about the Bible as a book of faith tries to speak from the position of a doctor before their name, but not a believer… I would advise you to refrain from stupid comments if you don’t know something.

Dr. Alina: Did He certainly rise from the dead or “by their fruit you will recognize them” (Mt 7:15-17)

X Kefas Petrus: “There is no point in laughing so stupidly – please focus on your field and do not interfere with others, because the title of doctor obliges you to respect the fact that every doctor is a specialist IN THEIR OWN field and you need to have an exceptionally large dose of ignorance, stupidity and probably cynicism to try to express become professional in a field that is not your own. Unless you paid for your doctoral degree through “various” more or less natural means 😉 then such a doctor often tries to prove that he honestly “earned” this title – never mind that the doctor is from “naturalism” and not from biblical theology.”

X Kefas Petrus: “I really would like to ask a person who does not believe in the Word of God not to use it instrumentally, and please print what you pasted and possibly use it in the toilet if you run out of toilet paper or are bored. Please detach yourself from faith and let everyone believe as they want.

X Kefas Petrus: “aha and the word “definitely” is spelled separately 😉 unless you bought a PhD, then the rules of spelling are not important, because what matters is the thickness of the envelope.”

X Petrus: “And if you are asking, then: YES! HE IS RISEN!”

X Ketas Petrus: “and if you are asking, then: YES! HE IS RISEN! And why do I care about your stupid tables since I met Him? The Lord is much more unbelievable to me than the Risen Jesus, because at least I met Him and I know that He is the Lord, and I have great doubts about your doctorate when I see that you don’t even know the spelling rules from primary school.”

Per X Petru Kefas “Stupid tables” >

The end result was the removal of X Kefas Petrus’ account on Facebook, and it looks like I was just writing to an imaginary person. 🙂

An Easter Reflection

In a country as divided as ours
With some forgetting the fact
That the US is a Constitutional Republic
Guarantying freedom to practice any religion
In tax-exempt places of worship or at home
Or to not be affiliated with a religious tradition
May the constructive traits known as values
Qualitatively derived from Matthew 5:3-12
Be embodied by Christians and non-Christians
On a moment to moment basis

© Alina Wreczycki, PhD in Organizational Leadership and Human Resources Development

Courtesy of Jordan Smith “Only Love”

Trumpodus vs. Roger Williams

Roger William is a founder of the state of Rhode Island. He was a Puritan pastor in the Bay Colony (today’s state of Massachusetts) who disagreed with other Puritans on religious freedom and was ahead of his time promoting the separation of state and church/religion. Once banished, he purchased land known today as the state of Rhode Island from the Wampanoag tribe to establish the colony of Rhode Island and Providence plantations. The term “plantation” at that time meant a settlement.