Ignorance and History

Ignorance causes history to rhyme.

States are their people
With rights and responsibilities
People who can articulate their wishes
When civilly asked

Courage does not need a prefix
And does not pair up with violence
The latter is the hallmark of a wild animal
Naturally predisposed to kill for food

The terms of corruption and fraud
Do not even begin to describe
Who you are – followed by a herd
Of unreflecting MAGA members

May the ultimate sacrifice of life
And the suffering of the innocent people
Echo in your subconscious mind
Till the end of your days

While the self-aware people of the United States
Honor the departed and those harmed
On this day that could have been different
Had you acted from a conscious choice to accept the truth

© Alina Wreczycki, PhD, 1/6/2024

Courtesy of Brian Crain “Voice from the Past”

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